Counseling Services travel jobs in Arkansas

Explore Social Worker Jobs in Arkansas

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Your Arkansas travel assignment may take you to Little Rock: a big little city full of southern charm and national history. You can adopt modern city life AND country style with an Arkansas travel assignment.

Today's Featured Social Worker Positions

School Psychology

School Psychologists work with students, teachers, and parents to assess and to support students' learning and mental health. They provide counseling, develop educational plans and, if needed, interventions to help students. They work with teachers and school administrators to address any behavioral or emotional challenges. School Psychologists must be comfortable working with young children and adolescents. These professionals usually need a Master's, Specialist or Doctorate degree in school psychology or a closely related field. A School Psychologist will generally have completed coursework in child development, learning, assessment, and counseling. Most also complete supervised internships. States, counties and other municipalities will have specific licensing requirements with which a School Psychologist must comply.

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