RN travel jobs in Detroit ,Michigan

Explore School Nursing Jobs in Detroit, Michigan

Earn up to$/week

Detroit is in the midst of a renaissance. The city has made significant efforts to become the region's employment and economic hub once again. As travelers on Detroit assignments soon find out, the city has become one of the leading healthcare economies in the United States, with a massive annual impact on the local economy.

Today's Featured School Nursing Positions

School RN Job Descriptions

School nurses provide healthcare to students and staff in schools. They are responsible for treating injuries and illnesses, administering medications, and providing health education. School nurses also work with teachers and administrators to develop health programs and ensure a safe school environment. Candidates for school nursing jobs should have experience working with children and be able to communicate effectively with students, parents, and school staff.

Relish Your Well-Deserved Recreation With Michigan Travel Jobs

A Michigan travel assignment could feature vibrant city life in and around Detroit -- along with miles of Great Lakes coastline. Michiganders are justly proud of their state, and love to show newcomers its virtues.

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