COTA travel jobs in Salt Lake City ,Utah

Explore TravelCOTA Occupational Therapy Jobs in Salt Lake City, Utah

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Salt Lake City was named the “Least Stressed-Out City in the United States” due, in part, to the city's low cost of living and plentiful jobs. Travelers can relax alongside locals, delving into the fascinating history and culture of the area and exploring its dramatic landscapes. One must-visit destination for healthcare professionals is the Great Salt Lake, home to many unique bird, shrimp, and shoreline species.

Today's Featured COTA Occupational Therapy Positions

Utah Travel Jobs Guarantee Outdoor Adventures and Urban Attractions

A travel assignment in Utah is fun-filled and fantastic. It's not only a premiere skiing destination, but also full of metropolitan amenities. Come for the majestic scenery, stay for the rewarding assignments.


Certified occupational therapy assistants work in diverse environments such as hospitals, rehabilitation centers, and outpatient clinics. A COTA professional assists individuals with physical, emotional, and developmental issues related to the ability to perform daily living and working tasks. They help patients with various activities that are essential to everyday life, including eating, bathing, and dressing, as well as functional tasks like driving and operating computers.

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