COTA travel jobs in Philadelphia ,Pennsylvania

Explore TravelCOTA Home Health Jobs in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

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Philadelphia is the birthplace of American independence, inviting travel professionals to tour Independence Hall, the Liberty Bell, and the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. Steeped in U.S. history, Philadelphia has several museums, galleries, and landmarks that educate and entertain. Get lunch in City Tavern, a bar and restaurant established in 1773, or visit the house of Edgar Allan Poe and learn about the man behind the legendary stories.

Today's Featured COTA Home Health Positions

Travel Jobs in Pennsylvania Offers Pro Sports, American History, and Thriving Cities

You'll relish a Pennsylvania travel assignment in classic all-American cities like Philadelphia or Pittsburgh. From the Amish country to the Allegheny mountains, PA is known for great cuisine and rich history.


Certified occupational therapy assistants work in diverse environments such as hospitals, rehabilitation centers, and outpatient clinics. A COTA professional assists individuals with physical, emotional, and developmental issues related to the ability to perform daily living and working tasks. They help patients with various activities that are essential to everyday life, including eating, bathing, and dressing, as well as functional tasks like driving and operating computers.

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